The Unit Trust Corporation recently hosted a luncheon for the media fraternity at Arazzi Restaurant, Maraval Road, Port of Spain. Media professionals mingled with members of UTC’s Senior Management Team and participated in a virtual game that tested their knowledge of UTC, fostering new relationships and enhancing camaraderie. They were shown a short video that highlighted UTC’s history and its societal value.
UTC Executive Director Nigel Edwards emphasized that the media’s role in telling the truth through stories – making them accessible and relatable – is critical in today’s world. He noted that UTC’s core mission to help people reach their financial goals is made possible through the media that acts as a vital connection between the UTC and the community.
In this photo, Nigel Edwards, Executive Director, UTC, sitting third from left, poses with distinguished members of the media. He is joined by his senior leadership team, from left, Kerri Maharaj, Chief Financial Officer, Deyson Scott, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Crystal Rodriguez-Greaves, Chief Investment Officer, Dearl Bain, Chief Risk Officer and Merlyn Syder, Head, Digital, Hema Ramkissoon, Head, Marketing, fourth row, second from right and media consultant Lisa-Ann Joseph, third row, first from right.